The Wand Review You Didn’t “Wish” For

The “Magic Wand” from wish.

Yes, I bought a “Magic Wand” on Yes, I bought it on purpose. No, I wasn’t intoxicated when I did. 

There are a lot of opinions on “wish” and the safety of products as well as the ethical implications of ordering from such sites.  This post is not going to be about the ethics, but rather whether this is even functional as a toy. 

I spent $11.00 USD on this with a $6.00 shipping charge.  The toy itself came in a box that was labeled properly and the English was even fully understandable.  There were not instructions in the box or anything that gave me “safety warnings” the way most products you buy in the United States do, but that didn’t surprise me much since it was coming from China. 

The stick itself feels substantial, the cable is secure, and the whole thing is generally well constructed.  Playing with this toy, it has 3 solid speeds and 6 variable pulsing speeds.  These vibrations are very strong and can quickly numb me out if I’m playing too hard.  However, they are extremely enjoyable.  It only comes with one rounded head, but that isn’t really a problem. 

So how did I feel about this toy?  Well, here are my pros and cons –


  • 9 speeds
  • Very strong vibrations
  • Plugs in, so there’s no dying batteries
  • Buttons are responsive and clearly marked
  • There is an “on/off” button so you can turn it off without cycling through the vibrations
  • The arm is long enough you don’t have to be an acrobat to get it positioned well
  • Obviously – price


  • For long play sessions, the head AND the button panel of this toy get HOT.  If you’re playing for a short (20 minutes or so), you’ll feel them get warm, but any longer than that and the whole thing gets quite hot. 
  • If you have any skin sensitivity or allergies, this is not the toy for you.
  • There are some questions about the safety of this toy given how hot it gets.  Do NOT leave it plugged in or unattended.
  • The head of this is NOT made of silicone.  The head appears to be a rubbery feeling plastic which has foam inserts to help it keep its shape. (see pictures below)

So, you ask, what’s my recommendation?  Well, if you can afford to, you should bite the bullet and splurge for the real thing.  I think that’s your best choice, and when I can afford to, I will be replacing this one with an ACTUAL Hitachi wand.  However, for the price and functionality, this is a viable option.  You could maybe order a replacement head for an actual wand and see if that would fit this toy, but I can’t say one way or another how that would work out or if it would fit. 

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